Unlike the other business leaders at the roundtable discussion, I represent a company who maintains an executive office in Evansville but most of my production and employment is outside the state. I stay relatively close to State politics and issues but from a business perspective my primary interest is in state initiatives that would enhance the state’s position regarding costs associated with manufacturing in Indiana. As discussed at the roundtable, one of my very first considerations when thinking of constructing a new facility deals with state laws concerning “Right to Work.” Indiana is behind its rivals with respect to existing legislation regarding this topic. I think much more can be done to make this state more business friendly and I think Mitch Daniels will accomplish many of the changes needed if allowed to. But be that as it may it is up to the state to create a viable business atmosphere for meaningful job creation.
Terry Keating
Chairman and CEO
Accuride Corporation
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
12:26 PM